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Sage Reading – April 2024

Welcome to Sage and Selenite’s card reading for the collective, focused specifically on the month of April.

There are several theories that try to explain the origin of April’s name. One popular belief is that it comes from the Latin word ‘Aprilis’, which means ‘to open’ – a reference to the blooming of flowers and trees in the Northern Hemisphere during this season, certainly not applicable for those of us here in New Zealand!

Another theory suggests that April was named after the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite, who embodied beauty and fertility. Yet another theory argues that the Anglo-Saxons referred to April as ‘Oster-monath’ or ‘Eostre-monath’, based on the goddess Eostre, whose feast was celebrated during the month, and this eventually gave rise to the word ‘Easter’.

Regardless of the uncertainty of its etymology, we hope that our card reading will offer you some helpful guidance and support as you navigate the month ahead. So, let’s begin this journey together and see what the cards have in store for us …

The Tower

Disaster, Upheaval, Sudden Change, Revelation – often associated with Eclipses (8th April)

Meaning – The Tower card in Tarot indicates significant changes that could cause chaos and destruction in your life. These changes are for our highest good, and offer an opportunity for spiritual growth, it’s time to let go of the old so that you can re-build and re-focus, with new solid foundations to build from.

After this experience, with the right attitude, you will grow stronger, wiser, and more resilient with a new perspective on life. The Tower card can also indicate a spiritual awakening or a chance to break free from old ways of thinking.


King of Wands

Natural Born Leader, Vision, Entrepreneur, Honour

Meaning – The King of Wands represents a visionary leader who enlists others to help him achieve his goals. He leads with intent, vision, and a long-term view, and achieves sustainable success.

The appearance of this card suggests that an opportunity is presenting itself to you, and you have the power to determine its success. You hold the power to create any outcome you wish, so be mindful of your intentions and vision.

Overall Message

Together The Tower and King of Wands signify a meaningful transformation that requires strength and decisiveness amid adversity. The Tower represents the sudden upheaval that can bring chaos and destruction into our lives, while the King of Wands symbolizes the qualities of leadership, ambition, and passion that can empower us to take control of our situation.

Although it may seem daunting, by utilizing the King of Wands’ positive traits and the learnings that The Tower imparts, individuals can come through any turmoil, stronger and more resilient than before. It’s a challenging journey, but one that holds great potential for personal growth and transformation. Like the seasons, it is time for change and to rise to the challenge of shaping the future ahead.